Department of Surgery

Susan M. Shea, PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery and Bioengineering

Education & Training

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • MSME, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • BS, Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Representative Publications

Dr. Shea's publications can be reviewed on NCBI and ORCID.

Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests

Dr. Shea utilizes microfluidic models and other flow-based assays to study hemostasis in the context of trauma and transfusion medicine. Severe bleeding is the most common cause of preventable death after traumatic injury, and trauma-associated coagulopathy increases the risk for mortality by 400%. Dr. Shea’s research examines how traumatic injury induces coagulopathy and platelet dysfunction. To do so, Dr. Shea develops physiologically-fidelic microfluidic assays and platforms to simulate biomechanics and fluid dynamics of vessel injury in vitro. These same tools are also employed to study the hemostatic efficacy of novel and existing blood products, as well as other treatments and approaches to rescue hemostatic dysfunction, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.

Dr. Shea is also interested in arterial thrombosis and thrombolysis. Arterial thrombosis causes myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke, which are two of the leading causes of death in the United States. Dr. Shea also employs microfluidics to study novel approaches to prevent and treat thrombosis. 

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