Department of Surgery

Simmons Research Conferences

"Purinergic Receptor P2Y6 Mediated Arteriogenesis" and "Inflammasome-Mediated Effects of SARS-related proteins on Muscle Satellite Cells in Peripheral Arterial Disease"

"Purinergic Receptor P2Y6 Mediated Arteriogenesis"

Presenter: Rohan Kulkarni, MD (mentor: Ryan McEnaney, MD)

Dr. Kulkarni will discuss how purine nucleotides released into circulation influence the growth and maturation of collateral blood vessels when binding to P2Y receptor 6.

"Inflammasome-Mediated Effects of SARS-related proteins on Muscle Satellite Cells in Peripheral Arterial Disease"

Presenter: Bowen Xie, MD (mentor: Ulka Sachdev, MD)