Department of Surgery

Simmons Conference: Dr. Edward Oh "Novel Wearable Vascular Monitoring Devices: Current State" and Marissa Jarosinski "Infrainguinal stent thrombosis case control study"


January 10, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:30am

Event Description

Dr. Edward Oh, MD

Title: Novel Wearable Vascular Monitoring Devices: Current State

We are looking at the current landscape of wearable and remote vascular monitoring devices, and investigating the use case of dynamic flow monitoring in lower extremity bypass patients. 

Mentors: Drs. Tzeng, Eslami, Hirschman, Mukkamala


Dr. Marissa Jarosinski, MD

Title: Infrainguinal stent thrombosis case control study

Medical management of post stenting patients has been thoroughly studied in the cardiac literature, but there is a paucity of data in the vascular literature on the ideal management. This presentation will discuss the existing literature and an update on a case control study to look at risk factors for infrainguinal stent thrombosis. 

Mentors: Drs. Tzeng and Sridharan

Location and Address

Virtual via Teams.